Welcome Back !!.....New Academic Session AY 2022-23
“ Celebrate endings - for they precede new beginnings.”
With new enthusiasm, zeal and zest, the students embarked on yet another journey of the Academic Session 2022-23. The lessons began with ‘welcome activities/ ice breakers’, settling in, re-establishing routines and collaboration to lay down the Essential Agreements of the class to foray towards deep and connected learning. The annual theme- “SRIJAN” set the tone of the session.
With new enthusiasm, zeal and zest, the students embarked on yet another journey of the Academic Session 2022-23. The lessons began with ‘welcome activities/ ice breakers’, settling in, re-establishing routines and collaboration to lay down the Essential Agreements of the class to foray towards deep and connected learning. The annual theme- “SRIJAN” set the tone of the session.
The session started with a formal introduction of students amongst each other and with their teacher. The students were engaged in ice breaker activities, public speaking, recitation of poems and also showcasing their talent in classroom. The students were also introduced with topic of nouns with the help of smart board, class discussion and oral iteration. In the week ahead the children were made to do written work related to nouns and their kinds. The introduction of concept was done with examples and videos. Earth Day Activity was organized in the English lesson to highlight the movement of ‘Save Soil’. Reading of the lesson ‘Travelling In India’ was done in class. The concept of Advertisement was introduced through the lesson. The important points to create an advertisement along with its sub points was explained to the students. The written work was done in notebook related to the chapter.
सत्र का आरंभ छात्रों के परिचय से किया गया | छात्रों ने अपने बारे में जानकारी प्रदान की | बच्चों को राष्ट्रगान लिखना सिखाया गया | छात्रों को स्वर, व्यंजन , संयुक्त व्यंजन का ज्ञान करवाया गया | छात्रों से उनकी भाषा के विषय में पूछा गया और भाषा के प्रकारों का परिचय दिया गया| भाषा संबन्धित गतिविधि कक्षा में करवाई गई | सतत विकास लक्ष्य-3 उत्तम स्वास्थ्य व खुशहाली से संबन्धित अभ्यास पत्रिका को करवाया गया | छात्रों को 'सीखो शिष्टाचार' नामक पाठ को पढ़ाया गया तथा उसका अभ्यास कार्य भी करवाया गया | छात्रों को संज्ञा का परिचय दिया गया तथा उसके भेद भी बताए गए | छात्रों को पृथ्वी दिवस पर 3-र (पुनः चक्रण, पुनः उत्पादन, कम प्रयोग ) नामक संकल्पना का ज्ञान दिया गया तथा कक्षा के दौरान चित्र बनाकर स्लोगन लेखन करवाया गया | छात्रों को इकाई परीक्षा का अभ्यास करवाया गया | छात्रों को मृदा के संरक्षण के लिए प्रधानमंत्री को पत्र लिखवाया गया | जिसमे छात्रों ने प्रधानमंत्रीजी से मृदा संरक्षण हेतु सहायता का आग्रह किया | सभी विद्यार्थियों ने गतिविधि में बढ़-चढ़ कर भागीदारी की |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW1hMk5Be1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvsEyzGfIWU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhCdGl9vppw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plFbwE46KeY |
To check the memory of the students we started our maths class of this session with hands on activity by providing number flash cards to students. They made different numbers with the flash cards and shared their memory and understanding by explaining their Word form, place value, face value and expanded from for 4-5 digit numbers. The ultimate goals of mathematics instruction are students understand the material presented, applying the skills in real life, and recalling the concepts in the future. So students of grade 4 analyse the concepts they learnt in grade 3 and applied the same for 6-7 digits numbers. Students enjoyed working on number line and Ant Hill strategy to understand estimation. Differentiated teaching strategies like Showing videos on different concepts, Explanation on board, Quiz by asking questions on the covered concepts, allowing students to write the answers on white board, working on place value chart, and Number cards -Hands on activity, were applied by keeping the multiple intelligence in mind. The book exercises were done and discussed. Worksheets were given to strengthen their knowledge. The concepts they learnt- • Place Value and Face value of Large Numbers • Standard/Expanded/Word forms • Odd/Even and Number Patterns • Comparing and Ordering Numbers • Forming Numbers • Estimating Numbers
The session began with an ice breaking activity, where the children made a tooth tiara and discussed about the oral hygiene practices. The chapter allowed the learners to explore about the structure of tooth, type of teeth, functions and taking caring of one’s teeth. Learners carved the human denture as part of experiential learning with the help of clay/ playdough and did peer teaching session to educate their batchmates, which allowed them to explore the orator aspect of their personality. They further explored the digestive system by creating a model of the same using best out of the waste idea. They were encouraged to research and find five interesting facts about the digestive system and educate their peers on it. (SDG- quality education for all) Children explored circulatory system while creating a model using blue and red threads depicting oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The session so far has been a joyride, full of learning and hands on activity allowed the learners to imbibe the concepts swiftly.
Video links for reference: Digestive system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBZWgrfZFbU Human teeth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE-TtFhZlDw circulatory system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9ONXd_-anM Excretory system
Video links for reference: Digestive system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBZWgrfZFbU Human teeth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE-TtFhZlDw circulatory system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9ONXd_-anM Excretory system
The new session commenced on campus where the students were acquainted with the importance of SDG no 3- Good health and well-being.They recalled and wrote the safety rules that they were following in the current pandemic scenario and also drew the safety mask in their notebooks. Taking the learning further, they did some basic strengthening exercises with the help of a playful video and made their ‘Physical activity pyramid’ . The new topic-Our country India was introduced using blended learning. Using–Mapmaker interactive-Students observed the strategic location of India in the world. They identified the neighboring countries and physical divisions of India. The next topic Northern Mountains was introduced with the help of the map of India showing the extent of the Himalayas, with the three parallel ranges with an activity on A4 size sheets. The new term –Tarai was introduced with the help of the map and their characteristics were explained to the students. The students were also acquainted with important peaks, passes, hill stations, climate, and vegetation in the Northern Mountains. In May, students identified various states of India in the northern mountains. With the help of the SWAY presentation, life, culture, vegetation, festivals, occupation, and food were explained. The students also shared their experiences of their visits to these places making the learning more interactive and joyful. They enjoyed their visit to the heartland of the Himalayas in the virtual tour to Himachal Pradesh. Interactive discussions, PowerPoint presentations, real-life connections, See think and wonder strategy, live worksheets, and visual snippets were the various methodologies used this month.
Video -Links (concepts )
Sway presentation
Live worksheets
Video -Links (concepts )
Sway presentation
Live worksheets
Session commenced with getting to know each other and the software in which students love to work most. Recapitulation was done for the topics learnt in MS word in class -III. Then we taught find and replace option and format Painter. Students also learnt to add Header and footer option to add Title and Page number in all the pages in a document automatically, Students learnt to insert Column and column break, Page set up feature and many more. They were given hands on for all these features in the ICT Lab. Then the revisions were taken with a lot of discussions and query sessions. for the UT.
Students practiced:
• Warm-up exercises like on the spot jogging, jumping and running.
• Agility exercises like modified zig-zag running with cones.
Students of Grade IV A learnt :
FOOTBALL: Ball control & dribbling, Passing & Receiving, Shooting & Kicking
TABLE TENNIS: Grips, Ball control & movement, Stroke Plays
Students of Grade IV B learnt :
GYMNASTICS Basic gymnastic skills in simple routing - floor, mats & other gymnastic equipments. Understanding role of strength & flexibility, technique & fitness, safety for self & others
CRICKET: Batting & Bowling, Batting & Bowling, Fielding & Wicket Keeping
Students of Grade IV C learnt :
SELF DEFENCE: Wrist Grab - Technique 1(Same hand & Opposite hand, From behind same side hand)
BADMINTON: Ready Position: Sidestep (Chasse) Moving front & back, Lunge
Students of Grade IV D learnt :
ATHLETICS: Running Fundamentals, Sprints, Starts
BASKETBALL: Ball handling, Dribbling, Passing
• Warm-up exercises like on the spot jogging, jumping and running.
• Agility exercises like modified zig-zag running with cones.
Students of Grade IV A learnt :
FOOTBALL: Ball control & dribbling, Passing & Receiving, Shooting & Kicking
TABLE TENNIS: Grips, Ball control & movement, Stroke Plays
Students of Grade IV B learnt :
GYMNASTICS Basic gymnastic skills in simple routing - floor, mats & other gymnastic equipments. Understanding role of strength & flexibility, technique & fitness, safety for self & others
CRICKET: Batting & Bowling, Batting & Bowling, Fielding & Wicket Keeping
Students of Grade IV C learnt :
SELF DEFENCE: Wrist Grab - Technique 1(Same hand & Opposite hand, From behind same side hand)
BADMINTON: Ready Position: Sidestep (Chasse) Moving front & back, Lunge
Students of Grade IV D learnt :
ATHLETICS: Running Fundamentals, Sprints, Starts
BASKETBALL: Ball handling, Dribbling, Passing
अप्रैल एवं मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: शुद्ध स्वर अलंकार । राग, गीत - सरस्वती वंदना, राग खमाज। प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, ऑडियो ट्रैक । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक, प्रतियोगिता में प्रस्तुति के महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु ।
सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक:
सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक:
In their western music lessons, the students learnt: Vocal warm-up exercises with 5 notes of music in different scales Physical body warm-up exercises Lesson: C major scale (vocal, instruments) Practice of song: 'Showers of Blessing' 1st part Time signature ¾ was done which is a very common beat Instruments: Taught simple pattern of guitar Techniques: Practiced how to sing in different scales with dynamics.
Song URL:
Song URL:
A good beginning makes a big difference. This academic year began with new hopes and a positive mindset in order to make it a bright chapter for students' life. The session started with the auspicious 'Ganesh Vandana' along with the introduction of dance and asamyukta hasta mudras.
"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to contain place on the floor; it's to enjoy each step along the way." The session began with a new dance style- JAZZ. It's a good exercise for mind and body coordination, it also improves the body posture.
Students learnt the basics of Theatre- Naurasa and vocabulary of Drama. They were also made aware of the importance of facial expressions, gestures, posture, scene building/ creation and also understood how to co-ordinate.
Students were introduced to designing cartoon characters using any two basic shapes. They were shown references of Powerpuff Girls, Phenias and Ferb, Doremon, etc as shape characters. Students came up with mesmerizing characters.
Students were asked to write a slogan on a tree shape- "HOW WILL I PLEDGE TO PROTECT MY EARTH". They wrote the pledge and coloured the paper tree. They pasted the cutouts on a big Earth and showcased their love towards nature and Mother Earth.
Students learnt poster making skills. They drew and coloured a poster on LABOUR DAY conveying the message- NO TO CHILD LABOUR as it's slogan.
ART INTEGRATION- Students of Grade 4 made beautiful landforms using their imagination. It was an integration with Social Sciences.
Students were asked to write a slogan on a tree shape- "HOW WILL I PLEDGE TO PROTECT MY EARTH". They wrote the pledge and coloured the paper tree. They pasted the cutouts on a big Earth and showcased their love towards nature and Mother Earth.
Students learnt poster making skills. They drew and coloured a poster on LABOUR DAY conveying the message- NO TO CHILD LABOUR as it's slogan.
ART INTEGRATION- Students of Grade 4 made beautiful landforms using their imagination. It was an integration with Social Sciences.